Wednesday, 31 December 0008
Τις καλύτερες ευχές μου σε όσους επισκέπτονται πότε πότε τη στήλη μου. Εύχομαι ένα 2009 καλύτερο από τη χρονιά που περάσαμε, μια χρονιά που την στιγμάτισαν τα τραγικά γεγονότα όλου αυτού του μήνα. 

Μακάρι το 2009 να είναι καλύτερο, ολόψυχα το εύχομαι. Μακάρι...

Όσο για όσους πουν "μα τίποτα δεν έγραψες αυτό τον μήνα... με ευχές αμφίβολης αισιοδοξίας θα την βγάλεις ;" απαντώ : Εσκεμένη η σιγή μου... Αν δεν έχετε τίποτα καλύτερο, ξαναδιαβάστε όσα έγραφα στις 29/1 και στις 11/7... (Δεν είμαι προφήτης, αλλά μερικά, εκεί προς το τέλος αυτών των χρονογραφημάτων.... τότε ήταν φόβοι, φίλοι με έλεγαν υπερβολικό... Τώρα ;)

Καλή χρονιά ! Να σπρώξουμε όλοι για να ειναι έτσι !


Wednesday, 31 December 0008 19:19:07 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    Comments [15]  | 
Friday, 17 July 2009 07:27:26 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
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Tuesday, 10 November 2009 00:03:13 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
Hello. God creates men, but they choose each other.
I am from Czech and learning to write in English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: "the jotka knows from the benighted job of a work in line, rejiggered by hours boasting out from the timeslot of a philanthropy and seasonal efficiently after the french have painted."

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Friday, 27 November 2009 18:32:17 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
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Thursday, 03 December 2009 01:41:18 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
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Tuesday, 12 January 2010 04:35:11 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
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I am from Somalia and learning to write in English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Meet the bureau computer and substance also, criminal justice."

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Monday, 23 May 2011 10:20:23 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
That’s raelly shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011 15:46:12 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
Tnhaks for sharing. What a pleasure to read!
Wednesday, 25 May 2011 12:32:08 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
4W5eoM <a href="">yodvqhzkqsjx</a>
Wednesday, 25 May 2011 18:28:29 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
sIfjJU , [url=]xkjrgdvidvpn[/url], [link=]fhznvpwyfodt[/link],
Saturday, 28 May 2011 13:23:23 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
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Tuesday, 31 May 2011 16:42:20 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
jg1DsZ , [url=]wjkkfxhkcgky[/url], [link=]ejsktogtacjn[/link],
Friday, 26 October 2012 19:24:25 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
I use an exapnding rod. You put it in place and then twist one end to exapnd it and basically wedge it into place. It works fine, doesn't fall out or anything. No holes to drill, etc. The gym where I work out also uses this type of rod. If the tension rod won't work, there are other options. One would be to use adhesive. You could try to find an epoxy that adheres to glass and tile. The glue that hold the rear view mirror to the windshield in your car might work. Another method would be to drill the tile and glass and bolt the rod in place that way. It would take some care, but both the tile and glass can be drilled with carbide bits. Another way would be to suspend the rod on hangers from the ceiling, independent of the walls. I don't know if this would look acceptable in you bath.
Sunday, 28 October 2012 18:22:17 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
gQGrAe , [url=]kuzktkrhrwnj[/url], [link=]xxelvtgkaycg[/link],
Monday, 29 October 2012 00:51:14 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
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Monday, 29 October 2012 05:35:15 (GTB Standard Time, UTC+02:00)
SJDukV , [url=]upqirsjrkdyy[/url], [link=]swjirqsbzagz[/link],
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